Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Walking for a cause: INFERTILITY AWARENESS

Hi Everyone,

I am walking in the 2013 Walk of Hope this year to show my support and to break the silence of infertility! Check out my personal page  HERE to see what it is all about!

If you want to donate via $ great! If you want to walk to show your support I would love some walking partners! Walking costs only your time.


Walk of Hope 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

The UGLY of Infertility

I was a cheerleader in 7th grade. I know, weird for those who know me. I was a soccer-star wannabe forever until my two besties decided to try cheer-leading at the ripe-peer-preasured age of 13. Anyway, I remember our favorite cheer:

U.G.L.Y. you ain't got no alibi you ugly, absolutely ugly!

Okay, so it wasn't the nicest cheer, but boy did it make us laugh.

The U.G.L.Y of Infertility:

I know. I am going through it too.

Infertility is hard on us as individuals, as well as our friendships, families, marriages, children, etc...

Infertility has rocked our worlds in a not so rock-in-roll way.

It has broken the picturesque version of our perfectly yet un-perfectly, fitted puzzled lives, that we had completed in our heads. And now, because of infertility, none of the pieces will fit.

My puzzle is broken.
I am blaming infertility.
And I hope HE can put me back together.

You UGLY infertility, absolutely UGLY!

A side note, not on the side: Its a scary thing to put this out there as a believer, but it's true. It's not all cake and ice-cream (or as I would say, chips and salsa) with me as a believer. But then, is it really that way with anyone? I would, in a rare mood, argue this one.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Something I Read

"Hey Dallas. My heart is breaking. I cannot fix this. I don't underatnd it. I am sadder than I've ever been."This will be a test of your joyfull confidence in God.""

A few other items from this article:

"The word Spirit. ""Disemboidied personal power.""
"Beauty. ""Goodness made mainfest to senses.""
"A diciple is. ""anyone whose ultiate goal is to live a jeasus would live if he were in their place.""
"Hey Dallas, what is reality. ""Reality is what you can count on.""

  • Ortberg, John. "Guide into the With-God Life." Christianity Today July/August 2013: 64-68 (Quote from Dallas Willard)

Love this stuff

Friday, July 19, 2013


I have often asked God "why?" while struggling through my years of infertility.  "Why would my God of love allow this?", Why me?", "Why", "Why", Why?". It seems I arrive at the same question and answer every few months or so. It's another ridiculous human cycle I go through: asking God why, painfully looking to the world for an answer myself, and then remembering HIS truth to me.  I do not know why I forget; I'm assuming its my angry, hungry  flesh looking to put the blame on God. Thankfully the peace and assurance that comes with the remembered answer is always worth it, and I praise Him today for taking the time once again to remind my why.

Today I found the answer here:
July Aug Stepping Stones