Friday, August 30, 2013

My Favorites

Progesterone shots....blurg....not a huge fan of these suckers. They don't hurt but they make me feel pregnant which is a tricky feeling during the TWW. We start my favorites tomorrow. Thankfully Mr. C gives me all my dailys so I don't have to worry about sticking myself in the tummy or bootie. What a man! 
So far I have not had many side affects from the Lupron, estrace, vivelle dot, and prednisone aside from fatigue, which feels like AF tiredness.
My estradiol came back good today so we are still on track for a Sept. 6th transfer. I am ready to get this done, and have faith that He has got it covered whatever that may entail :)
I asked Dr. Opera about acupuncture and he said that he believes in its calming effects and that overall they know it makes people feel better. All in all, he believes it can't hurt the process. So, I went today and will go back next week.

One week and counting,

Mrs. C

** always follow your own doctors advise, I am not giving out this info as medical advice).

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back to a Basic

Job lost everything: his wealth, his career, his health, his family, his integrity, his dreams, etc... How can a righteous man like Job lose everything in the eyes of our Faithful Father?

I was brought back to a basic over the last couple weeks while reading about Job's life . I was brought back to a place where the earth is so small and insignificant, where cause and effect does not always exist, and where the Almighty alone reins as my only true fulfillment.  

Thank You Father. Thank You for bringing me back.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello FET

Well, I sent the email off to our nurse today. Our IF journey takes us down another new road. We are planning (keep in mind folks that planning means NOTHING in the IF world, or any of the world for that matter) to start our first FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) on my next cycle. As many of you know we have two embies waiting for us.. We are going on a vacation this week so I hope to be rested and ready by the time we come back. According to my always-off-calander I should go in for my first blood draw around the 21st or so.

On another note, I got to see a picture of my boo's 21 week old  nugget today. I'm pretty sure she was smiling already. Just precious!

Anyone out there in need of a cycle buddy starting around the 20th or so let me know...I'm all in for some symptom yapping, crying, laughing, peer-support during the dreaded 2WW (two week wait). Let's keep each other going my friends!

Much love my IF gals,
Brooke (aka Mrs. C)

Thursday, August 1, 2013