Monday, March 5, 2012

The Countdown

Am I the only one that feels like it's a constant countdown when trying to conceive (TTC)? I find myself questioning myself..."is it day 13 or day 14 Mrs. C?" (because one day could make a huge difference in the TTC world!).  I am constantly looking at my calendar counting to find days between my last period (AF) and ovulation (O), or my FAVORITE...the two week wait (TWW)...NOT!  If I am not counting, our doctor is counting.  In fact, Mr. C is always counting now too, and either asks or reminds me daily what today means in accordance with our TTC plan; what a man! Currently, I am in the O countdown. We are fully prepared with sticks, and directions, and kits of all sorts.  I could probably become more organized but I tried the whole calendar EVERYTHING plan and found it to be too consuming.  So I will continue to count the days and figure out what comes next.

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