Monday, August 20, 2012

2 Days Post Transfer

5-Day Transfer

Days Past
Transfer (DPT)
Embryo Development
OneThe blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
TwoThe blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
ThreeThe blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
FourImplantation continues
FiveImplantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
SixHuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
SevenFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
EightFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
NineLevels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy


  1. Did you go through IVF at NYU? Did you get your BFP? I too have endometriosis. I am on my 2nd IVF attempt. I'm currently in the 2WW. I go from yes it worked to what am I going to do it didn't work. Just curious on if it worked for you

    1. Hi, No I did not go through IVF at NYU. Yes, I did get my first BFP but unfortunatly it ended in early misscarriage at 6 weeks. I am sorry that you are in the is so hard! Do you have an endo symptoms? Is this a fresh or FET for you? I would like to pray for you.
      Dear Lord, I pray that you would be with this reader who desires to be blessed with a baby. I pray that You would allow her to become pregnant this round and that she would have a healthly 9 month pregnacy. I pray that Your comfort and peace would pour over her today and throughout this TWW. In Your Name, Amen

      Please feel free to email me if you feel
