Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Day Off

Well, yesterday turned out to be a rough day, physically and emotionally. The doctor said my estradiol levels were quite high making it a shoe-in for an emotional day. Everything seemed a bit tougher, but thankfully not to much to handle.  The shots hurt a little more, my stomach was upset, I was "backed up", no appetite, headache, couldn't sleep, weepy. So, I woke up this morning and decided to take the day off...the whole day off. A rarity for me, but a great choice!! I felt good all day, enjoyed the company of a friend and her boys, watched the US women's soccer team kick some bootie, cooked din with the hubby and enjoyed it with the padres. Many loved ones have told me over the last week, "this is the time to be nice to yourself." Taking today off was just that and I am very thankful for it!

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